This set includes the following four titles;
• DRS Locomotives Part 1
• DRS Locomotives Part 2
• DRS CLASS 37s in Scotland
• Delivering The Goods: DRS
Part 1 - From the high profile 66411 'Eddie the Engine' to the humble class 20, locomotives owned and operated by DRS. Part 2 follows the development of the fleet. DRS 37s in Scotland - including passenger trains, ballast trains, test trains, flask trains and other workings, almost all of the DRS 37 fleet is featured. Delivering The Goods: DRS - This review covers the many varied and highly interesting flows resulting from the company's expansion since it was formed.
(Original codes: TC047 / TC079 / TC222 / VS047)
Produced by Train Crazy / Visions International
Duration: 410 minutes (4 discs)
DVD only
Re-released - May 2022