Since the independent transport videos cameras last paid a visit to the Scottish capital in 2018 even more changes have taken place with the city’s major bus operator – Lothian Buses. The most visible is the introduction of a fleet of 78 Volvo B8L tri-axle double-deckers, all fitted with 13.4 metre Alexander-Dennis Enviro400XLB bodywork. 63 are 100-seater buses for city work and 15 are in the smart overall blue ‘Airlink’ livery for the express 24/7 service between Edinburgh Airport and the city centre and seating for 81 passengers. The ‘city’ buses are in the latest livery with ‘Lothiancity’ fleet names. Bus 1125 (SJ19 OZD) is in a special livery celebrating 100 years of buses in Edinburgh. We see this bus in detail in the Lathalmond section of this programme and take a ride on the ‘Internal Service’ at the Scottish Bus Museum. These buses are really impressive, as you will see as they take command of the streets of Edinburgh! Many more former London Volvo B9TL double-deckers have arrived (Tower Transit, Metroline West and Go-Ahead London). They carry Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 bodies and are seen in both Lothian Buses and Lothian Country livery. We also see 299 (BV19 LND), a Volvo B8RLE single-decker demonstrator, which has MCV Evora bodywork in an all-white livery operating in service. As you will expect, our cameras have taken up positions at a number of locations within the city centre. These include Shandwick Place, Lothian Road, Princes Street, St David Street, Waterloo Place, Elm Row and concluding at Ingliston park & ride. Apart from ‘Lothian Buses’, ‘Lothiancountry ‘and ‘LothianEastCoastbuses’ taking centre stage on our programme we see plenty of Stagecoach vehicles operating the long distance express services from other parts of Scotland and of course Firstbus with their West Lothian fleet, now mostly in the latest simplified livery with light blue branding for the 23, X23 and 24 group of services.
For the second part of our programme we attend the 2019 Open Weekend at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum at Lathalmond. We begin our visit with a look at every thing Edinburgh. Lothian Buses sent along two of their latest Volvo B8L double-deckers, 1125 in the special celebratory livery and Airlink-liveried 1140 (SB19 GNK). A good selection of former Edinburgh Corporation buses are seen either on display or in action around the Museum environs. Our final section on this programme looks at all of the other buses and coaches at this superb museum. We also take two trips to nearby Dunfermline to see some of the contemporary Stagecoach buses in action. We return from our second visit to the town on board RO607 (AWG 393), a Cravens bodied Guy Arab III in the blue livery of W. Alexander and Sons (Fife). You can marvel at the sights and sounds of this lovely bus, quite different from the short ride on the Volvo B8L around the Museum site!
We do hope you enjoy this nostalgic look back at bus travel as it was – quite a step-change from the first part of this Scottish programme! Enjoy!
Produced by - Independent Transport Videos
Duration - 74 minutes
Region - 0 (worldwide) PAL
Aspect Ratio - 16:9 Widescreen
DVD only
Released - June 2020