DVD No. 12 includes:
North Wales Double Headers: 'Boat Trains' serving the major sea terminals around the country were once a common sight, but by end of the 1990s, almost all had ceased. One exception was in North Wales, when on Sundays around 1999/2000, the sheer number of passengers travelling from Ireland prompted the 18.23 from Holyhead to Birmingham New Street to become a recognised 'Boat Train' with two rakes of stock (up to ten coaches) and two Class 37s. Eleven different trains are featured here with 11 different 37s plus a ride behind 37415+37426 and the farewell double-headed trains from May 2000.
Preservation: Returning from Spain in 2012, 37703 was one of a number of 37/7s acquired by DRS. Restored to service, the loco only ran for a short while and by September 2014, was in semi-preservation at the Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway. Latterly renumbered 37067, the loco is featured here working passenger trains and an unusual job with 37038+37424 from August 2020.
Summer/Autumn 2020: From the uncertainty following the UK-wide lockdown in spring, 2020 turned out to be a good year for Class 37s, as featured here with: 37025, 37401 and 37667+37521 (D6817+D6851) on stock moves; 37668, 37669, 37676 and 37685 on Far North Timber trains; 37025+37116 and 37219+37421 on Oban line ballasts; 37419+37402, 37423+37419; 37423+37402 and 37407+37419 working IM trains; 37418 with Caroline; 37521 and 37667 on the 'Staycation' Express; 97303+97304 on a Cambrian ballast; 37038+37716 with a crane and the green pair again, 37521+37667 with a charter to Kyle of Lochalsh.
The Best of Cumbria Part 3: With some previously unused footage we go all the way to the start of the 37-hauled passenger trains in Cumbria, with top and tail workings from June, July and August of 2015. Locos featured include: 218, 401, 402, 409, 603, 606, 609 and 688.
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Produced by - Train Crazy
Running time - 100 minutes
Format - 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen
DVD only
Released - November 2020