Join Train Crazy as we look at trains which have a loco at each end. Once a rare sight, but now increasingly common, this compilation looks at Top and Tail workings from various locations on the main line between 1996 and 2007.
From the humble Class 20 to 67s and 87s and from Water Cannon and Flask trains to express passenger trains, there's 80 minutes of non-stop action including:
Also includes unusual combinations including:
Plus there are some top and tail workings from the NYMR gala in 2004 with main line locos 37717, 47292, 57306 and 66566.
Every train has at least one loco on each end...!
Produced by - Train Crazy
Running time - 80 Minutes
DVD only
Quality guarantee: The programme is professionally produced with a stereo soundtrack, informative commentary and digital editing. The DVD is commercially pressed with chapters and menus.