Disc 1
Summer/Autumn 2022: Blackpool tram action from the summer and autumn of 2022 starting with the Tram Sunday event from July; the six-car Heritage service from 27th August; full coverage of the Saturday of the September Anniversary weekend and 715s farewell tour from November.
North Station: The planned opening of the North Station extension for July didn't happen and the revised date of November also didn’t happen - in fact, nothing at all happened - other than a few days of test runs from June! This was the first opportunity to see Flexitys on the new line in daylight and moves from 30th June are featured.
Preservation: 625, 627 and 726 all departed Blackpool for the long journey to their new home at the East Anglia Transport Museum. See the trams leaving, plus a visit to the museum itself with 627 in its new home alongside Blackpool cars 11 and 159. Also in this section, 626 on the docks at Birkenhead and 687 at Rossall School.
Year End: Every tram that ran in passenger service in Blackpool during 2022.
Disc 2
The second part of our look back at the first 100 editions of this series. DVDs 43 to 73 are featured - covering the years 2006 to 2013.
These were fairly eventful years for the tramway - compared to modern times - and included here are: 2006 - Balloons ploughing the snow; 2007 - the 611 fire; 2008 - 717 launch and 679 farewell; 2009 - Western Train launch, last day to Starr Gate and Fleetwood; 2010 - 125th anniversary year; 2011 - Flexity launch and last day of the old tramway; 2012 - First day of the Flexitys and Heritage Tram Tours start; 2013 - Flexitys in the snow for the first time. Plus: Tram Sunday and Totally Transport eventsand almost every tram which was sold, departing from Rigby Road depot - (and some that came back)!
Subscribe now to a one year (two issues) subscription to the tram DVD for JUST £24.00 or a two-year (four-issue) subscription for JUST £48.00, Have each issue mailed directly to you when released.
*Save up to £8 on the price of buying the DVDs individually.
Produced by - Train Crazy
Running time - 200 Minutes (2 discs)
Format: 16:9 & 4:3
DVD only
Released - December 2022