This title is also available on Blu-ray (see link below description)
Cab Ride: Newcastle to Haymarket via ECML and Edinburgh
Scottish EMU moves, worked by ROG Class 37s, have been a highlight of the Scottish traction scene in recent years. Usually, the 37 heads from Derby to Kilmarnock via the WCML, works a few EMU moves and heads back the same way.
In January 2023, due to engineering works, this route wasn't available, so instead the loco was routed via the ECML and instead of one loco - both of ROGs 37/7 heavyweights were used and this is the subject of this cab ride.
We pick up the action just before Newcastle. Due to a minor fault on the lead loco 37800, a run round is required and this takes place opposite Heaton depot and with 37884 now leading, as the 37s blaze along the ECML.
Cab rides in winter can be challenging weather-wise but this was a lucky one with bright and dry conditions for most of the way and just a couple of short showers. Instead of the usual sea of green trees and bushes that you get in summer, the wintertime colours are very different and so much more of the railway can be seen.
Highlights include the Heaton run round, into the goods loop at Berwick, passing over the Royal Border Bridge and non-stop through Edinburgh. The programme finishes at Haymarket. The full journey is shown.
Includes maps, on-screen captions and minimal narration. A thrash cam records the 37s at work and ambient sounds.
Duration: 160 minutes
Download size: SD = 5.3GB 1080p HD = 7GB
Format: 16:9 widescreen
Producer: Train Crazy
Also available to buy on DVD or Blu-ray click here.