This title is also available on DVD (see link below description)
Ely to Yarmouth/Yarmouth to Stowmarket via Norwich & Reedham/Acle & GEML
One of the traction highlights of recent months has been 37418 on hire to Loram, in the LRLO pool and working off Derby RTC. Painted in the large logo livery and named "An Comunn Gaidhealach" the loco looks as it was in 1986, newly converted as a 37/4 and based at Inverness. In addition to railtours, regular trips to Toton and Doncaster and working with 'Caroline', on 12th/13th May 2023, the 37 worked a massive out and back journey from Derby, running a whopping 600+ miles and reaching the Eastern and Southern regions! It may well be the Class 37 working of the year and the whole journey - every single mile and chain - was filmed from the cab and with the full of assistance from Loram, it is available from Videoscene on DVD, Blu-ray and download - split into four full length cab rides.
No.2: At Ely, the plan was to use the station avoider but due to a track defect, we had to run round instead. We then head east across the fens towards Norwich. It's quite a slow run, for a loco hauled train and at Norwich we avoid the station, taking the Wensun curve and on to Great Yarmouth, via Reedham and the lesser-used and remote Berney Arms. 37s hauling lots of coaches were once common at Yarmouth, as the train is propelled into the former carriage sidings, now of course the home of Eastern Rail Services - the new owner of these coaches. From Yarmouth, it's light engine back, but over the other route via Acle, to Wensun and the GEML to Stowmarket.
The full route is shown on all cab rides and a thrash cam in the back cab records the 37 and ambient sounds. WARNING - it gets noisy! On 12th May, very few passenger trains were running due to industrial action so we don't pass much - except freight. This was a bonus as we were often routed on fast lines, with constant green signals, running at maximum line speed.
Please note: A lot of our cab rides originate from Derby so the three principle routes from this location have featured heavily over the years and they are repeated here again. Also, much of the routes in Anglia have been filmed more recently and are here again. You may already own these cab rides. As this was such a high profile working, rather than edit-out the routes already available, the option was taken to leave everything in, the whole lot, and split it accordingly. A 37 on load 10 anytime, and on the Southern, is not an everyday occurrence - and it really needs to be recorded!
Duration: 174 minutes
Download size: SD = 5.7GB 1080p HD = 7.5GB
Format: 16:9 widescreen
Producer: Train Crazy
Also available to buy on DVD or Blu-ray click here.