*Please note, the final edit is slightly different to what was originally advertised. The feature on 761 will now be on DVD 106.
This edition includes:
Tram Sunday: The Fleetwood Transport Festival returned for 2024 after a one year gap and despite the reduction in Heritage tram operations, six trams were used on the day with 600 on the Fisherman's Walk - Thornton Gate shuttle.
August Bank Holiday Monday: As it stands, the August Bank Holiday weekend of 2024 has been the only time a five tram 'Gold' Heritage service has operated alongside the T1, T2 & T3 Flexity service. At North Pier and Talbot Square, on the Monday, lots of trams were passing through, but multiple signal and points failures resulted in some bizarre moves!
Autumn 2024: From the start of the Illuminations, with new timetables and staff shortages, the last tram from North Station was at 18.58! It didn't go well! Halfway through the Illuminations, the T1, T2 & T3 service structure was abandoned with another new timetable and almost all journeys were routed via North Station. Plus, a greatly reduced Heritage service and fewer Illuminations tours. The full story is told here including the new late night express trams and footage from North Station at night.
Year End: Only 28 trams ran during 2024, all of them are here.
Nostalgia: The life and times of Twin set 671+681 (Extended): From the early years as a Railcoach, T1 was delivered in 1960 and 281+T1 were part of the ten-strong Progress Twin car programme of the 1960s. Permanently coupled in 1962, the set was part of the first Twin Car revival in 1990, painted into a modern green and cream livery with pantograph; and the second Twin Car revival in 2003, gaining a colourful Metro livery. Withdrawn for the final time in 2010, both cars were sold, leaving Blackpool. As of 2024, 681 is back at RR depot, while 281 is an exhibit at The North West Museum of Road Transport in St Helens, wearing a coat of all over cream.
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Produced by - Train Crazy
Running time - 102 Minutes
Format: 16:9 & 4:3
DVD only
Released - December 2024