North Station Line Opens: At a distance of just 1/3 of a mile and five years later than planned, the North Pier to North Station extension opened in June 2024. Featured here is the story of trams to North Station, with footage from the 1960s and Dickson Road and the closure in 1963. Forward to 2011 and the new junction goes in at North Pier, 2018 track laying up Talbot Road, the missed 2019 opening then 2022 - the first trams on test and forward to 2024 with more testing and driver training and finally trams in passenger service.
Easter 2024/634 Return: After almost 20-years, Brush car 634 returned to service at the East Anglia Transport Museum on Good Friday, 29th March. The car was launched, working numerous trips along the line and with a Blackpool-themed weekend, it was in the company of VAMBAC 11, Standard 159 and former Blackpool loanee, Sheffield 513. Cars 627 and 726 were on display and 625 was in the new depot. Full coverage from the Friday is shown here with 634s launch and the other trams running alongside, plus various buses and trolleybuses. A private hire in the evening saw 634 work a few more trips and a special bumper-cam provides an alternative view.
Winter/Spring 2023/2024: Footage from the Christmas period with 700, 717 and The Warship working tours plus Flexitys and action from May 2024 with the first Heritage 'Gold' day of the year with 227, 700 and 717.
Nostalgia Special: The life and times of recently scrapped 637 plus 673+683.
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Produced by - Train Crazy
Running time - 100 Minutes
Format: 16:9 & 4:3
DVD only
Released - July 2024