Bringing together all of the material that we have published over thepast 18 years in the PSOV 'Mainline Series' there is no need for acommentary as we let the locomotives do the talking on the 1 in 52 to 1in 56 gradients.
The DVD reaches a climax when we see two long running sequencesfeaturing 7802 Bradley Manor recreating the days of the early 1960's,in a way never recorded before.
They are two of the most memorable events we have ever recorded and will probably never be repeated.
75069 Standard 4 on 16th June 1991 and 23rd June 1991
7819 Hinton Manor on 22nd September and 29th September 1991
80080 Standard 4 Tank on 24th May 1992 and 13th September 1992
80079 and 80080 double heading (with 12 on) on 3rd October 1993
Standard 4 Tank 80079 on 5th October 1997, and on 29th March 1998 seen recovering from stalling on 1 in 52.
Standard 4 76079 on 10th March 2002 and 18th May 2002.
45407 Black 5 on 20th and 21st March 2004
7802 Bradley Manor on 23rd October 2004, 12th March 2005 and 16th September 2006