Designs from the days of the North Eastern, North British, Great Eastern, L.N.E.R. and British Railways. Archive film from Scotland, the north east and east Anglia chronicles the following classes in action in BR days.
E4 - with rare film from the Mildenhall Branch.
J15 - Veteran Great Eastern 0-6-0s in East Anglia.
J27 - North Eastern survivors in the North East.
J36 - North British 0-6-0s in Scotland.
J37 - North British locos around Montrose and Dundee.
J38 - A Gresley design in Scotland.
J39 - An LNER design in East Anglia and at Leeds.
J72 - A diminutive tank on pilot duties at Newcastle.
J94 - An Austerity loco at Cromford and the North East.
K1 - Peppercorns 2-6-0s on passenger and freight.
K3 - In Scotland plus the Great Marquess in the 1960s.
01 - 2-8-0 freight designs hard at work.
02 - 1960s around Retford and on the Great Central.
04 - On mineral traffic.
Q6 - North Eastern 0-6-0s in the North East.
V3 - Gresleys 2-6-2 tanks in the North East.
Plus North Eastern Memories, the Brechin Branch, Dundee and the survivors in the preservation era.
Produced by - Transport Video Publishing
Running time - 70 Minutes
DVD only