Released in 2018, this DVD celebrates Paddle Steamer Waverley's visits to the Thames.
Waverley first visited the Thames in 1978 so this year marks her 40th anniversary since those early days of preservation. In this new DVD we join Waverley at Gravesend and sail up the Thames to London passing under the QE11 Bridge, past the Thames Barrier and the high-rise buildings of London’s Docklands business district.
We sail past the historic water front of Greenwich, where we cross – not once but three times- the Greenwich Meridian of zero degrees longitude, before the excitement of Tower Bridge opening for the steamer to sail further into the Upper Pool of London.
With the help of Maritime Historian Peter Box, we discover the history of passenger steamers on the Thames and through archive footage see Waverley on her first Thames visit in 1978.
Produced by - Viewpoint Productions
Running time - 53 Minutes
Aspect Ratio - 4:3
DVD only
Released - August 2018