Operating since 1992, Manchester Metrolink needs little introduction. With a huge expansion in the last decade, as of 2023 the system operates 147 trams, serving 99-stops, across route 64 miles, with eight primary routes, serving nine individual terminals. Unique as being the only high-floor system in the UK - with railway height platforms - and the ability to couple two trams together, Metrolink provides a quality service to the City of Manchester and the surrounding suburbs of Greater Manchester.
This programme looks at the city centre operations. The original city crossing from 1992 was joined by a second (2CC) in 2017 and the intensive multi-route system is almost non-stop, with - at times - trams running literally seconds apart. Footage comes from the east end of Piccadilly with trams reversing and running to Ashton, then Victoria with its impressive junction, followed by action across both routes to St. Peters Square.
The short section from St. Peters Square to Deansgate-Castlefield and Cornbrook sees the most intensive service, with multiple routes passing through here. At times, it's a none stop procession of vehicles - an absolute pleasure to watch and record - Light Rail at its very best. Footage comes from all three stops and in between.
Produced by - Train Crazy
Duration - 82 minutes
Format - 16:9 widescreen
DVD and Blu-ray (1 disc)
Released - June 2023