India once had electric tramways in Delhi, Madras, Bombay and Kanpur. Only Bombay's system was ever significantly modernised, and was the last to close in the 1960's. Calcutta's system, though quite inadequate is still large and busy. Some 300 cars (the exact number varies) service about 67 route-miles intensively.
Nowadays the fleet consists entirely of bogie six-axle articulated cars, but at one time large numbers of single-truck vehicles were in use, most articulated into 'streamlined train' and 'utility' twinsets. Speeds are low due to antiquated technology and traffic congestion.
From Railstuff in Australia comes this lovely video showing operations on the last tramway system operational in India. Despite being seriously underfunded, it still provides a very useful service in one of the most densely inhabited cities of the world, using articulated trams rebuilt with considerable ingenuity from older stocks. Limited commentary, mostly confined to historic details, and stills, but with sound recorded on location, this is a most interesting video showing not just the trams, but the fascinating city they serve.
Produced by - Railstuff
Running time - 52 Minutes
DVD only